
We are grateful for the attention and recognition that we have received so far.

Focus E-Bike Design & Innovation Award 2021

1st eBike Abo, Sociability Category

Every year, FOCUS E-BIKE awards the best products, ideas and minds in the field of e-bike design & innovation. 2021 eBike Abo, a product of Rebike Mobility GmbH, is the winner of the Sociability category.

Here is the jury's statement on the winning decision: "Two-thirds of Germans want to have an e-bike, but not everyone wants or is able to buy one. The innovative concept of Rebike Mobility is not only convincing in terms of its sustainability but also as a sharing model that encourages even more people to switch from car to bike, Especially commuters."

Focus E-Bike Design & Innovation Award 2020

2nd Place - eBike Abo

FOCUS E-BIKE features the best products, ideas and minds in the field of e-bike design & innovation. 2nd place in the category SUSTAINABILITY & GREEN (solutions and offers for example through sustainable production / materials, relocating of (car) traffic to the bicycle, fleet solutions etc.) Statement of the jury:

"ebike Abo is a flexible offer and an uncomplicated access to a modern form of mobility“.

Design & Innovation Award 2020

eBike Abo - Tourism & Infrastructure Category

The Design & Innovation Award is an established award in the bike scene. The award team of international journalists, professional test riders and industry experts separates the wheat from the chaff in the fast-paced bike market.

With real product tests, holistic evaluations and critically well-founded statements, it creates an orientation in a differentiated market with a flood of new products and supposedly new trends. Simultaneously it serves as a catalyst for future innovations.

Design & Innovation Award 2019

Rebike1 - Newcomer Category

The Design & Innovation Award is an established award in the bike scene. The award team of international journalists, professional test riders and industry experts separates the wheat from the chaff in the fast-paced bike market.

With real product tests, holistic evaluations and critically well-founded statements, it creates an orientation in a differentiated market with a flood of new products and supposedly new trends. Simultaneously it serves as a catalyst for future innovations.

Eurobike Award 2019

Rebike1 - Concepts & Digital Projects

The EUROBIKE AWARD is one of the most important international awards that a company in the bicycle and mobility arena can win. Featured are new products and outstanding future-oriented innovations, chosen and evaluated by an international jury of experts.

The award provides consumers with valuable orientation and decision-making assistance while purchasing and helps with independent information regarding the functionality, innovation, workmanship and sustainability of products. This makes the EUROBIKE AWARD an important marketing instrument for manufacturers and retailers.